Looking back toward Rochester |

Arriving early in Rochester, we decide to walk toward Chatham and Piggy's Cafe where we ate breakfast several years ago.
We curve around the boat harbour, pass a synagogue, and admire the surviving pre-war buildings along the high street.
We look back and see the spire of Rochester Cathedral and the keep of Rochester Castle behind us.
The Old Piggy's of Chatham |
New Piggy's of Chatham Cafe |

To our surprise we come upon Piggy's re-located in a smaller venue. Ted, the proprietor, greets us merrily and takes our order. Turns out that two years ago he was forced to move from the larger premises by the Town Council -- and what's frustrating to Ted is that the building still stands empty, along with other spaces along the row of store fronts where several businesses used to reside.
Pizzazz in the Old Piggy's |
He tells the story that initially no compensation was offered, and then denied when requested. Finally "after a fight," he received some compensation. But the other closed businesses, those that did not query the eviction and did not seek compensation, received none.
Giant pig at previous venue |

The previous Piggy's of Chatham Cafe displayed numerous ceramic pigs; now there is room for only a few. A sad turn of events for Ted and Piggy's.

But gratefully he still flips tasty soft fried eggs, and brews a strong cup of English tea.
The Piggy's Cafe we remembered |
An interesting Breakfast in Britain.