an early-opening breakfast cafe! The sign way up the side of a building catches our eye, but we're not sure where to enter. Yes, The black metal door behind the dumpster is it!

In we go.
Thinking ahead to our next holiday, we inquire of Ozzy where we should visit in Turkey. Without hesitation, he declares, "Nevsehir, Kapadokya," whips out his smart phone and proceeds to show us numerous YouTube videos of stunning 4000 year old rock formations in Kapadokya, including a cartoon version of the geological history -- with a Turkish narrative! Luckily animated cartoon volcanoes look alike in any language. If we write about breakfast in Nevsehir, you'll know when and by whom we were inspired to head in that direction!
By the time we are ready to leave, the sun has risen and the day has arrived for Strood. Ozzy offers to take our photo, and is happy to have us mention him on our Breakfast in Britain blog.
So we look back at Strood on the Medway, stomachs full and spirits lifted.
Love it!