Ah, the simple pleasures of a sugar-shaker that pours. Little did I know, as I do not eat sugar, that Happy Husband notices the flowing quality of the sugar-shakers. And here at Paul's Cafe in Greenwich -- the sugar pours freely!
Thursday Breakfasts in Britain have not faltered; it's the posting that has. Between a daughter's wedding and the temptations of summer, I've been away from my computer. Now the dark is returning to London, and my cozy computer corner welcomes me.
Nestled on a side street (18 Haddo Street, SE10 9RN) and hidden from tourists, Paul's business is hopping. The proprietor of nine years, from Capadocia,Turkey, explains that the cafe is busy all day, catering to young professionals from the surrounding new high-rise flats springing up in Greenwich at an amazing pace.
Somehow we forgot to take photos of the food -- I'm not a fan of food photos anyway. But it was hot & tasty -- no complaints.
Our recomendation: Paul's Cafe is clean, friendly -- we enjoyed the quirky collection of teapots on the window sill -- a place to which we'll return for another delicious Breakfast in Britain.
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