Within rellies flying in this afternoon and rain falling, we decide to stay fairly close to home, so head to suburban Orpington, on the Greater London - Kent border to the south. Three open-at-seven-o'clock options welcome us on the High Street, and we choose the Orpington Star Cafe.

Well, that's where the star-glamour stops. Really, nothing special. The couple running the cafe are not interested in a conversation, not even an exchange of friendly greeting, keeping to their tasks of serving and cooking. Few people come in, and no construction-types. We wonder if this is a consequence of being in suburbia as opposed to small town Kent or an urban community in London. Or, is it McDonald's? That is the fourth early-morning option on the High Street - and it is hopping! Prices are cheap and...it's McDonald's.
Orpington High Street presents a delightfully long stretch of commercial enterprises including a Singer sewing shop and at least 10 charity shops. So, rain or no rain, we enjoy the morning before returning to meet the rellies.
So we may be back to Orpington, but next time we'll try one of the other two early cafes.
Next week we'll be in Hythe, along the Channel -- hoping for a friendly cafe with a view of the seaside!
Have a good week.
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